Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dear Guys who Hit on Girls they Don't Know

Dear Guys,

Stop saying, "do you have a boyfriend?"

Asking this question is not equivalent to asking "do you want to go out sometime?"

When you ask a girl you just met if she has a boyfriend, you are implying:
1. If she is single, then she will go out with you or she is clearly not a decent human being
2. She is a man's property and cannot think and decide for herself
3. She is attracted to men and in particular, you

Whether or not she has a boyfriend is irrelevant to you. You do not even know her last name. She is not a man's property. Nobody owns her. Have some respect for her as a person, not as another man's woman. She deserves respect whether she is single or not, whether she agrees to go out with you or not.

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