Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dear Guys who Hit on Girls they Don't Know

Dear Guys,

Stop saying, "do you have a boyfriend?"

Asking this question is not equivalent to asking "do you want to go out sometime?"

When you ask a girl you just met if she has a boyfriend, you are implying:
1. If she is single, then she will go out with you or she is clearly not a decent human being
2. She is a man's property and cannot think and decide for herself
3. She is attracted to men and in particular, you

Whether or not she has a boyfriend is irrelevant to you. You do not even know her last name. She is not a man's property. Nobody owns her. Have some respect for her as a person, not as another man's woman. She deserves respect whether she is single or not, whether she agrees to go out with you or not.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

To the Health Food Store

Dear health food store,

Maybe no one has told you this, but samples are supposed to get people to buy things based on how they taste. This means it is important to have samples that taste good. When an employee asks me, "do you want to try this gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free, sugar free, fat free snack bar that's high in fiber?" I look at it and I am pretty sure they're trying to feed me dog food. Other times it looks like crumbling bits of drywall, dirt clods, or pond water. It smells funny, it looks icky and it tastes as good as it looks. This is not how sampling works! I am sure Costco would be happy to teach you how you should be doing it. Give them a call.
